Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Morning in Bullet Points but the Afternoon gets a Paragraph

* Walked Mark to the Botanical Gardens for his meeting.
* Rousted remaining boys for a trip to the aquarium.
* Walked to aquarium.  Saw half.
* Informed by youngest boy that he had a cold and couldn't continue.
*Left older boy at aquarium and walked younger back to apartment.
* Walked back to aquarium and speed saw the second half.  Interesting animal not in Melbourne:  a manatee.

With Alan resting and blowing his nose at the apartment, John Roy and I went back to the National Maritime Museum to see the exhibits.  You may recall that I was not a maritime enthusiast, in particular, but had been won over on the ships yesterday.  The inside exhibits also won me over, especially the traveling exhibit about Robert Scott's last expedition.  Scott set out to be the first to reach the South Pole.  He didn't succeed in being first; he was beat by 34 days by Roald Amundsen in 1911.  On the way back, in early 1912,Scott and his little pole party of six all perished.  The exhibit was excellent because they recreated, to scale, the hut that up to 25 men lived in at Cape Evans on Antarctica while waiting to make the trek to the pole. While getting to the pole was a goal, the expedition was more generally for science as well.  There are photos and specimens from many smaller trips that the men took around Cape Evans, including one to collect the eggs of the Emperor penguin for embryology study.  The hut still stands and still contains 8,000 individual items from Scott's and then Shackleton's 1914-1917 expedition.  New Zealand and the UK Antarctic Heritage Trusts protect it.

I hope this exhibit travels; it would be interesting to many other people.
More information about Robert Scott.

We bought food and cooked in again tonight.  Fish and veggies for me, lasagne and veggies for JR. Alan stuck with chicken schnitzel- even though we bought him soup as well.  Mark is out with botanists for dinner.

I am hoping to get to tour the Opera House tomorrow...it was on today's agenda, but the morning bullet points altered the plan.

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