Monday, July 18, 2011

Arriving in Brisbane

We are here!  It was the longest travel experience I have ever had.  Poughkeepsie to NY by car, then NY to LA. After one hour delay (which hardly matters in the grand scheme), we had our 15 hour flight to Sydney. We needed all but an hour of our five hour layover in Sydney to get through immigration and customs, and eat.  Then a taxi to our little hotel.

Mark wins the prize for spending the most number of minutes with his eyes closed.  Alan wins the pretzel award.  He put down his tray table, put the pillow on top, and folded himself in half so he could rest his head on the pillow.  This provided JR with a nice broad and warm surface for his head too (Alan's back.)  JR wins the award for least number of complaints.  My award?  I think I saw the most movies-- and slept the least.

At the immigration counter, Alan dashed in front of me, handing his passport to the official with an "I want to go first!"  He looked at Alan's passport and deadpanned, "There's a problem with this one, and we have to set it aside."  He examined the documents of the rest of the family with a constant muttering about issues with Alan and perhaps having to detain him.  If I were better at keeping a straight face, we may have had Alan a bit concerned. 

Today we are off to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, our reason for visiting Brisbane, as it is the oldest sanctuary in the country.  Brisbane's late winter reminds me of being in Phoenix in March.  Cool in the mornings and evenings, but dry and the buildings show weathering from the sun more than from rain-- which makes the city look clean.
Waiting for departure at JFK:

 Taking advantage of the charging station before we departed.  The boys watched half of the first season of Bones on my iPad while in flight.  I watch some too--and liked it!  I am already being petitioned for Season 2 for the return flight.
 A bit grumpy during the layover in LA.   It was after 11pm LA time, so it was pretty tiring waiting to board for what we were anticipating would be a tiring voyage.
 JR survives with his noise cancelling headphones.  He has a talent for procuring power outlets.
 I am blogging at breakfast.  Mark cheerfully points out the free wireless!  The owner immigrated to Brisbane from China 25 years ago.  The breakfast was tasty too.  I am happy to be in a country that favors tea!  It tastes better when made in a pot.
 We are dashing to catch a boat to the sanctuary...posting without proofing....

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