Friday, July 22, 2011

Ups and Downs on the Great Barrier Reef

We had our day on the reef, yesterday. We had chosen a pretty big outfitter to go with since they had lots of activities on their schedule. But the trip had a few ups and downs. The boys were not able to do a beginner dive due to some medications being contraindicated. We aren't sure that means never, ever, but the outfit wouldn't clear it for this trip. That was a disappointment.

I like snorkeling and find it very easy and relaxing. The photos, of course, are not very interesting, since all the sites are below the surface. Mark and I have snorkeled together in three interesting places: Belize, Galapagos, and now here. The coral in Belize, at least 20 years ago when I was last there, was much more colorful. Galapagos is subdued-- the highlights for me there were getting an underwater look at turtles, penguins and sea lions. The fish on the Barrier Reef yesterday, were the highlight. Although the coral was not vibrant at all, the fish diversity was amazing and they had all the riotous color that I have never seen on land, no matter how hard an artist tries to mix the shades.

The boys did not spend very long snorkeling. Even with a wet suit, they got cold fast. (The water was in the low 70's F.) They did like the semi-submersible and the underwater viewing room on the platform. And, Alan was the photographer, so while Mark and I went in for an hour or so after lunch, he was on deck taking some photos of us. These are rare photos since we don't have an underwater camera and only sometimes can snap photos of each other before going in!

We had another down on the way back to land when I got sick. Maybe seasick or maybe it was that so-so dinner the night before. Not to dwell, but being seasick on a big catamaran with hundreds of people was more painful from embarrassment than anything else. I stayed in last night and slept, and am sipping a morning mug of tea now, so have optimism for the new day ahead.

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